The Association shall be called ‘The Friends Association of Symondsbury Church of England VA Primary School’ and hereafter referred to as ‘The Friends’.
- a) To promote close co-operation and communication between parents, teachers and governors.
- b) To study and discuss matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of pupils.
- c) To engage in and promote activities which support and advance the education of pupils attending Symondsbury Primary School, including fund raising and after school activities.
- d) To consider applications for funds put to The Friends from parents, teachers, governors and the School Council and granting funds to support such applications where the request is passed by a majority of the General Committee.
The Friends shall have the power to do anything considered by them to be in furtherance of the aims but remembering that they are there to represent the views of the members. The Friends are not connected in any way to the internal organisation and management of the school which is monitored by the Governing Body in conjunction with the Church of England and the Local Education Authority.
The membership of The Friends shall comprise all parents, carers of children or guardians of children attending Symondsbury Primary School, all school staff employed at the school and interested members from the community of Symondsbury village.
The Officers of The Friends shall be as follows;
- The President (The Head Teacher of Symondsbury Primary School)
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Treasurer
- Secretary (including minute taking)
The General Committee of the Association may appoint such other Office Bearers as may from time to time be deemed necessary.
The Officer Bearers shall be elected by the Committee at the first meeting after the AGM. Office Bearers will hold office for one year term, being eligible for re-election. Where an Office Bearer’s position becomes vacant during the normal term of office the committee may, at their discretion, opt to fill this post in one of the following ways:
- The deputy for the post or an agreed member of the Committee may stand in for the duration,
- The Committee may elect a replacement from its membership or
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called to elect a new member to the post.
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate minutes of all meetings, producing an Agenda for each meeting and distributing these to the Committee members. Copies should be made available to the School Council and included on the Symondsbury Primary School website and distributed to all parents via email or by pupil.
The business of ‘The Friends’ shall be managed by a Committee made up of a least six members. At least three members of the Committee shall be parents of children currently attending Symondsbury Primary School. If Governors who are parents of the school do not happen to be on the Committee, they shall be cordially invited to attend all meetings.
Members of the Committee shall be appointed at the AGM. They shall be elected for a period of 3 years or until the AGM immediately following three years’ service should they join mid-term. No one may stand for re-election within 2 years of their leaving the committee.
In the event of the any vacancies, the Committee shall have the right to co-opt as many members as necessary to complete the complement until the following AGM.
Where a member of the Committee fails to attend regular meetings and does not play an active role in any of the activities of ‘The Friends’, the General Committee reserves the right to ask the member to step down.
Meetings of the General Committee shall be held as required during term time. The quorum for all meetings shall be five including two Office Bearers.
Each member of the committee shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority vote of those present. The Chairman shall have the deciding vote which shall be used only in the event of a tie.
Meetings of The Friends shall be held monthly. At all meetings of The Friends a third of members, at least two of whom are Officer Bearers, shall form a quorum. All Friends meeting shall be open to all parents, carers or children, guardians of children and any member may attend but do not have voting rights. Elected Officers and official committee members who have signed up and joined ‘The Friends’ are only eligible to have voting rights.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in October of each year. The notice calling the meeting shall be sent to members at least two weeks in advance.
The business shall include:-
- a) The work of The Friends
- b) Approval of the Accounts for the preceding year
- c) Appointment of an independent examiner of the Accounts
- d) Receipt of reports of the Officer Bearers
- e) Election of members to serve on the Committee
- f) Discussion of motions received.
At all Annual General Meetings voting shall be basis of one vote per member present at the meeting.
At all Annual General Meetings the quorum shall consist of no less than 5 members of the Association.
Any member of the Association shall have the right to raise a motion to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting by sending the motion in writing to the Secretary by no later than 7 days prior to the AGM.
The main aim of The Friends is to organise and promote social occasions throughout the year which raise money to support Symondsbury Primary School and enhance the learning opportunities for the pupils. The monies raised shall be spent at the discretion of the Head Teacher after discussions with the staff, the Friends and the School Council.
Funds of The Friends shall be lodged in a bank, building society or other account in the name of the Association. Cheques shall be drawn or withdrawals made against the signatures of the Head Teacher and the Treasurer. A third signature will be available as a deputy.
When petty cash is received from any social or fund-raising event two members of ‘The Friends’ will count up the cash on site and make a note of the amount in the Petty Cash log book. The cash will then be stored in the schools safe for no longer than 3 weeks and we expect that cash over £200 will be banked within the week.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of the financial transactions of the Friends. The books shall be brought to balance six weeks before the AGM and the accounts shall be reviewed annually by an independent examiner appointed at the previous AGM by the members.
The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all property/money received by/ for the Friends shall be applied for the aims of the Association.
Changes or additions must be made at an AGM or an EGM called for the purpose. The proposed change shall be specified in the notice calling the meeting and be approved by not less than two thirds of those present.
If it becomes necessary to dissolve The Friends, by reason of it being impossible to achieve the objectives for which the Association is set up, any remaining funds should be distributed for the benefit of the children at the school.