Reach Out
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One of our 6 Rs is ‘Reaching’ and although that can be about trying your best, it is also about reaching out to others. Times are tough at the moment with increasing prices and the cost of living and I know that we support many of our families with food hampers, food vouchers and occasional bags of groceries from local charities.
We currently have 16% of our children who are eligible to claim ‘Pupil Premium’
Click the following link for more information. Symondsbury Church of England VA Primary School - Pupil Premium Miss Sherrin and Mrs Teasdale in the School Office can help if you think that this may apply to you so please reach out and ask.
I also know that we have families who, for whatever reason, are finding times tough and, as I have said before in newsletters and services – we are here to help. Our whole school vision ‘You, Me, Us, Everyone’ means parents, carers and families too!
So – I am setting up this section on the website under ‘Parents’ called ‘Reach Out’ and if you feel the need to do so, there will be a growing range of websites, organisations etc that can help. But, remember that we are here and come talk to us.
Financial Support
Dorset Family matters has a wealth of information and links to answer questions you may have about financial support. Click on the link for more information:
Children and family benefits - Dorset Council
#Help and Kindness for Dorset can help with links to the various foodbanks and support centres
Welcome to #HelpAndKindness for Dorset
Bridport Food Matters can help with links to various places locally to support with food
Food Access Help - Bridport Food Matters
The Healthy Start scheme is run by NHS England. It provides Healthy Start cards for pregnant women and families with a child under four years old on a low income to buy basic food items.
Dorset HealthCare :: Healthy Start Scheme
Flexible Support Fund for Families
The Flexible Support Fund provides financial assistance to cover the initial costs of childcare, ensuring that parents can access the support they need without delay. This allows you to start work or training without worrying about immediate expenses. The fund is a grant, meaning the money received does not need to be repaid.
Once childcare costs are paid, you can claim up to 85% of these costs back through Universal Credit payments, if you are eligible.
To be eligible for the Flexible Support Fund, you must be receiving Universal Credit and require childcare to start or continue working. To apply, contact your nearest Jobcentre Plus or speak with your work coach if you have one.
For more detailed information, please visit the Universal Credit childcare costs page.
Family Support
Dorset families matter provide support for families with children from babies to teenagers
Parenting support courses - Dorset Council
The Family Counselling Trust can provide support for families and children
Family Counselling Trust | Childrens Mental Health Charity | South England
The Family Advice Communication Education (FACE) can give parents tools to support their children
Dorset Youth can help find activities and organisations for children of all ages
School Nurse Support
School nursing teams work with children, families, schools and other agencies to support the health and wellbeing of school-age children across Dorset. Every school in Dorset has a named school nurse, who maintains regular contact with their school to promote healthy lifestyles and offer practical advice, information and support.
The team has links with other health professionals including community paediatricians, health visitors, GPs and speech and language therapists.
School nursing teams have a public health role in working with school aged children and their families, aiming to promote health and wellbeing. We encourage healthier lifestyles and provide information, advice and support to children and their families.
The team is committed to safeguarding all children and young people and adheres to the pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership guidance.
The service sits within the Children and Young People’s Public Health Service 0 to 19, alongside health visiting. The teams work with children, families, school staff and other agencies to support the health and well-being of school-age children across Dorset.
For more information or to make a referral to the school nurse team click the following links:
Dorset HealthCare :: School nursing
Dorset HealthCare :: Requesting school nursing support
Dorset Council RUOK? Campaign
Asking for help with mental health can seem particularly daunting for young people so as part of Children's Mental Health Week 2023 the RUOK? campaign has just launched with a mission to make access to mental health support easy. Here are some important contacts and we will add some of the information to our ‘Reach Out’ section of the website.
As a school, we have always tried to make the world a better place – it is part of our school vision after all.
One of things we can do is look for the positives in all we do and share some of that happiness around – even with a smile! A few years ago, the staff did a workshop with ‘Dr of Happiness’, Andy Cope and some of his work was really transformational. He talked about 7 second hugs and positive pants! He also talked about how the average person lives 4000 weeks – 4000! We’re already on newsletter number 20 this term! If we don’t like Mondays, that’s 1/7 of our 4000 weeks so let’s love Mondays! It was really thought-provoking and inspiring so, this week I thought I would share a link to ‘The Art of happiness’ website and there are some videos and links that I hope you will find inspiring too… These ones are mainly for the grown-ups but that is important too. After all – you can’t pour from an empty cup and your wellbeing is important too!
Dr Andy Cope introduces one of the videos from 'Brilliant Schools' - YouTube
We always teach the children that a smile is contagious and the children have enjoyed sharing random acts of kindness both in school and in the community. With that in mind, have you ever read ‘The Pig of Happiness’? It’s a great book that we have shared with the children in the past and will share in our celebration assembly today too. Here’s the link so that you can watch it with your child at home…
The Pig of Happiness - YouTube
sipco a4 poster dorset v3 14 nov 2023 all nat.pdf