Symondsbury Church of England VA Primary School

The Church of England

Spring 2023

My Reading Library – children will build up a personal list of the books that they have read over the course of this academic year. This is instead of the Reading Logs. The library should be completed when a book is finished.  The children write the title, author and date completed on the spine of a book.  They can add an image to it if they wish.

 Class 4 Residential letter 

Spring Parents Letter  Spring Curriculum Map

This week (13th March)

On Wednesday, we went to the Symondsbury Estate Garden, as part of Science Week to plant pants.  Many thought I had made a typo in my instructions about what we were doing – but no.  We planted a pair of cotton pants.  This is an experiment all about soil conditions and how thing degrade over time.  We will be back to the garden in 8 weeks to see if anything has changed.  

We also planted 3 trees for the celebration of the King’s Coronation.

This week (6th March)

In Class 4 this week we had a WW2 experience day. The children came dressed in WW2 clothing, we wrote diaries about being evacuated and made some interesting food that could be made using rationing ingredients. We had a lot of fun. 

Spring 2 Week 2

This week in Class 4 we have been continuing our Battle of Britain by writing a story.  We have been massively impressed with the group’s end results.  Some very powerful stories have been written.  The Opera continues at full steam as the children develop their parts for this unique opportunity later this month.  While Year 5’s were off at Forest School yesterday, the Year 6’s were investigating blood and pulse rates.  We made our own blood (using water beads, water, ping-pong balls and foam).  In our investigation to pulse rate, we eventually all found our pulse rates and explored the effect of exercise on it.    On Wednesday of next week we will be having an evacuation day – the children will dress up and we will look at activities and cooking from the 1940s.  Not sure they will be all up for the delights of ration cooking – but here we go!!! 

 Spring 2 week 1

This week sees the start of our new topic - Battel of Britain.  We started our topic with a Now Press Play experience on the topic.  From this experience we have been writing poetry and will be moving onto story writing next week. 

We have also started our new science topic of looking at the Heart and circulatory system - where we have started investigating the circulatory system and creating an active version to explain the process. 

We are looking forward to finding out more about both these topics over this half term.