School Development Plan 2024- 2025
We are always striving to improve in all we do at Symondsbury School. As part of our self review process, we are currently working with staff and governors to develop a school development plan (SDP) that runs from September 2024.
Symondsbury School Strategic Aims 2024-2025:
- To have a dynamic, outward-facing role in local and wider partnerships; leading, and learning from, best practice.
- To establish a first class curriculum which enables all pupils to learn and enjoy.
- To ensure that all pupils achieve and develop so they are prepared for the next stage of their education and beyond where safeguarding is paramount..
- To provide outstanding leadership at all levels, enabling the workforce to flourish and thrive.
- To manage the budget with success to secure expansion and the best outcomes possible for all pupils.
Here is a copy of our School Development Plan for 2024 - 2025 and what it will mean for the pupils, staff, governors and families of Symondsbury CE VA Primary School